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Cooking Term of the Day- “Bouquet Garni” 

Bouquet Garni

Pronunciation: boo/keh gahr/nee

bouquet garni is a little bundle of herbs, tied together or placed together in in a piece of cheesecloth (for easier removal), and is used to enhance the flavor of soups, stews, casseroles, etc.. The classic combination of herbs is parsley, thyme, and bay leaf, but it’s acceptable to add different herbs that will compliment the dish it is being used to enhance. The bouquet garni is removed before the dish is served.  So, step up your stew game next time with the addition of your own bouquet garni.

Other possible additions to your bouquet garni include: chervil, marjoram, summer savory, lemon zest, tarragon, orange peel, rosemary, leek, celery leaves, celeriac, tarragon, basil, burnet, celery pieces, lime zest, carrot, onion, potato, cloves, peppercorns, coriander seeds etc.



I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

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I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

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