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Honey Swirled Almond Butter Recipe

Honey Swirled Almond Butter Recipe

Having a Vitamix Blender as part of my Kitchen appliance arsenal has raised some challenges. I officially struggle to find a valid reason to include any store bought nut butters on my pantry shelves. Oh the agony! (can you sense my sarcasm? I hope so.)

The results I am able to achieve with homemade nut butters really challenges the supermarket versions that are filled with preservatives and strange ingredients. Fresh, creamy, and delicious- this Honey Swirled Almond Butter  is something I treat myself to when I find myself cursing at this Indiana winter weather.

Honey Swirled Almond Butter Recipe

Grab a spoon, you won’t regret it. This is a tasty treat that is healthier than the processed alternatives, and the perfect housewarming gift. I have yet to introduce myself to our new neighbors (shame on me). However when the cold weather dissipates, I think each of my new neighbors would appreciate a jar of this nut butter when we begin making our rounds to greet them all. It is not only addictive, but looks beautiful encased in it’s glass jar. You can see all the ribbons of honey swirled through the creamy almond goodness. Need I say more?

This can also be made in a food processor if you don’t happen to own a Vitamix blender. Follow the directions at the end of the recipe for using a food processor on your toasted almonds. Folding in the honey is key here. I found that processing the honey into the butter with the Vitamix left a grainy texture I didn’t find very appealing.

Spread this on toast, bananas, or warm and pour over ice cream. The uses hear are endless, but I find a spoonful the best way to go. My sweet tooth is clearly a problem…

Honey Swirled Almond Butter Recipe
Yields: 3½ cups
Prep time:
Total time:
  • 4 Cups roasted Almonds
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable or coconut oil (less or more depending on oils in nuts and desired constancy)
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ cup raw Honey
  1. Place the roasted almonds in your Vitamix container and secure the lid.
  2. Select Variable 1.
  3. Turn on your machine and then slowly increase the speed to Variable 10,
  4. Use the tamper to push the Nuts into the blades. Process until partially smooth about 40 seconds.Turn off the machine.
  5. Scrape the sides of the container. Add desired amount of oil and begin processing on Variable 1 and increase to Variable 10, continuing to use the tamper to push the ingredients into the blades. Process for 20 additional seconds until you hear a high pitched chugging sound. Once the almond butter is smooth and processed enough the motor sound will change from the high pitch to a low labored sound. Stop the Vitamix. CAUTION: Over processing can cause overheating to your Vitamix machine. Do not process for more than 1 minute after the mixture starts circulating freely.
  6. Fold in the raw honey with a rubber spatula.
  7. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. You can also store in the freezer for up to six months.
  8. * Alternatively you could make this in a food processor- add all the ingredients to food processor (except raisins, and add oil to desired consistency) Process until smooth, scraping sides occasionally and fold in raisins. Processing time will be longer and cleanup not as fast, but still a wonderful final result.



Written by

I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

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