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Foodie Films Friday #2-

Foodie Films Friday - The Mind of a Chef

It’s the second edition of Foodie Films Friday! I’m not only happy that it is finally Friday, I’m also glad to be sharing a foodie series with you, rather than just a singular film. Today I’ll be talking about- “The Mind of a Chef”

The Mind of a Chef is a PBS television series based on the world of food, the individuals who live in this world, as well as the effort and skill behind their work. This show delves into the mind of the food obsessed and goes around the world looking into subtle nuances and inspirations of the food we eat today, and how the masters view their very art form.

Here’s an excerpt from season 1, showing some of David Chang’s magic from the show.

I really enjoy this series. The series is narrated by Anthony Bourdain, and it’s art direction touches your heart in all the right place. If there is something that could possibly get you out of your seat and running to the kitchen, this is it.  It’s inspirational, educational, humorous, and sometimes mind blowing. If you love food you really have to check this show out. It’s also streaming on Netflix so you can take a look at season 1 and 2 before the Season 3 premiere this month.

Check out this preview for Season 3-

I found myself spinning with all these new ideas while watching the show. It was like a jump start for my food brain, leaving me inspired to look at things in a different way and taking ingredients and techniques in a whole new direction. I’ve got a huge notebook going where I jot down ideas and notes for Confectionalism. I probably filled 10 pages after watching a few episodes.

I’m excited to see what inspiring new footage they have in store for this new season. If anything, you’ll at least finish an episode finding yourself crazy hungry… but I think you’ll find the inspiration too.

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I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

One thought on “Foodie Films Friday #2-”

  1. I’ve seen the show on Netflix but haven’t watched it yet. Now I will check it out and see what I can be inspired to do. Love ya (hugs) Dad


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