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Fall is Finally Here!


Fall is Finally Here!

I’m totally in my element this month as my Birthday is on Oct. 6th, and if I haven’t said it enough, I love the fall. It’s the best season, of all the seasons, and don’t try to convince me otherwise. The leaves are changing, Apple Cider and pumpkins are everywhere, and we are all planning our Halloween costumes. I find tho time of year to be a relaxing and beautiful break between Summer and the crazy Christmas whistle and bustle. To celebrate my Birthday and the colorful foliage I’m offering another awesome giveaway.

It’s a perfect opportunity to start saving some extra cash for the upcoming holidays, or just go crazy and buy as many candy apples and Halloween candy your heart desires.


Welcome to the $500 Fabulous Fall Cash Giveaway!

I have joined forces with a fantastic group of bloggers to bring you this great giveaway. One lucky person will win $500 cash.

Enter to win $500 cash via PayPal.

Complete the tasks below to earn entries into this giveaway.

Refer your friends using your unique link to earn even more chances to win.

Open Worldwide.
Ends at 11:59pm ET on October 14th, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway was coordinated by Giveaway Promote.
If you love entering giveaways, visit Giveaway Promote to find the greatest giveaways listed in one place.

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I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

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