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Club Cider Float Recipe

Club Cider Floats Recipe

I might be going crazy on fall recipes and concoctions this past 2 weeks, but I can’t help it. I must reiterate how much I love this time of year. The food goods being the main reason, but only one of many. I love the cooler crisp air, the sweaters, hot beverages are enjoyable once again, and of course the beautiful foliage colors are all great reasons. But… let me get back to the food…

Today was a great day. Aaron and I just heard back from the real estate agent and he officially signed on the dotted line for our soon to be new home. Best part? The kitchen is big…. and it’s all mine! Muhahaha. I can’t wait to build my ultimate kitchen from the cabinet hardware down to the pantry organization. Stay tuned because I’ll be documenting my entire Kitchen facelift journey.

Club Cider Floats Recipe

To celebrate I had to think of something that felt right, and mind you I definitely had some mead, because I love my mead on a good occasion. However I concocted this beverage to really indulge in the moment. I had some of my Apple Cider left in the fridge, and found a 1/2 gallon of vanilla ice cream waiting to join forces. Add in some fizzy with a little club soda and we have a winner. An Autumn winner, worthy of a celebration or special occasion.

Club Cider Soda may be my favorite float, and I’ve always loved a good root beer float. Ever since I was a kid I’d smile with joy as soon as I realized root beer floats were in my near future. These club soda floats have definitely trumped their beloved root beer cousin, but I’m not complaining. Quite literally they are fizzy, refreshing, flavorful, and taste like an apple pie a la mode. Try it, you’ll thank me.

I used my recipe for Mulled Apple Cider in this recipe. You can get it HERE

Club Cider Floats Recipe

5.0 from 2 reviews
Club Cider Float Recipe
Cuisine: Beverage
Yields: as many as your heart desires
  • Chilled Mug (or Mugs)
  • Chilled Apple Cider ( I use my mulled apple cider, chilled-recipe linked above)
  • Good quality Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
  • Club Soda
  • Nutmeg for sprinkling
  1. Place two or three heaping scoops of vanilla bean ice cream into a frosted mug.
  2. Fill the mug two thirds of the way with apple cider.
  3. Top off with club soda.
  4. Sprinkle with a pinch of nutmeg
  5. Throw in a straw or spoon, I prefer a spoon.
  6. Enjoy, and keep in mind float mustaches are totally acceptable.


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I'm Nicole. Ceo, Pastry Chef, and Photographer for I'm a lover of sweets, art, and an avid puppy cuddler. I hope my recipes, kitchen tips, tricks, and culinary adventures inspire you to put your "Creativity to Plate!" You can read more about me and Confectionalism on the About Confectionalism link in the Menu bar to the far left of the site. Happy Cooking! Sincerely, Nicole

3 thoughts on “Club Cider Float Recipe”

  1. Hi Nicole!
    Stopping in to let you know I will be featuring your Club Cider Float Recipe tomorrow on Made in a Day! I so want to try this recipe! I love apple pie and ice cream and this sounds fabulous!! Thanks for pinning!


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